Susheela Vithal Gandhi Centre

Competency Development Facility

  • Vision

    To assist individuals who have the motivation, ability and talent but are constrained by their economic situation to build successful careers by imparting industry relevant competencies which will not only enhance the quality of their own lives but also serve society by building a cadre of capable individuals at no cost to themselves.

  • Mission

    To impart professional competencies to individuals in different demographic groupings belonging to economically underprivileged sections of society.

  • Demographics

    School children.

    College students.

    Working people.

Make an impact.

The competency development will significantly enhance the career prospects of the individuals undergoing the programs.

The Competency Development Centre could also create a Career Guidance and Placement Department which would assist in the objective of career enhancement of participants.


English Language proficiency

Data Analytics

Web and Graphic Design

Videography, Video and Audio Editing

Accounting Package Training

Instruction enhancement using Virtual Reality

SAP Training and Certification (Phase II)

Make it happen.